Registering & Booking Classes
Booking on a Computer

Once registered you can search 'Hauer Power' to find all of the latest offerings from Karen Hauer.
Don't forget to click 'FOLLOW' on the Hauer Power profile page.
Next time you login, Hauer Power will be shown on your main page, making it easy to check for classes.

Booking on the Gymcatch App

What is Hauer Power?
Hauer Power is more than just your regular workout.
It’s about the connection that I make with every individual that I come across during my workouts.
Hauer Power is about finding your true inner power and how far you can push yourself physically and mentally .
My workouts are fun, energetic, focused, challenging and very sweaty!!
They are a unique blend of total body weight training, cardio HIIT, core exercises , with a sprinkle of pilates/yoga and a yummy stretch at the end.
Hauer Power is a fun way of getting fit and filling you with positive energy.
Hauer Power FAQ's
Q: There are no classes currently available, why is that?
A: Hauer Power 1-2-1 PT and course classes are carefully planned around Karen's dance obligations. As Karen prepares to rejoin Strictly Come Dancing for the 22' season, classes are temporarily on hold. Please sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear when they go back on sale!
Q: I'd love to do a Hauer Power class, how do I find out more?
A: On our classes page you will find an interactive calendar. If no calendar shows, this means we are currently offline due to Karen's tour & TV commitments.
Q: If I have any questions about a class or course, whom do I contact?
A: Please join the mailing list via the sign-up on the page or via the Subscribe page on this website. When Karen returns to teaching we will be relaunching our contact points as presently Karen is not available for teaching.
Q: I'd like to buy a class/course as a gift, can I do that?
A: Yes! When classes and courses are available, you will be able to purchase them as gifts. More information is included when classes go on sale.
Q: I have a medical condition, can I still join in?
A: We ask that if you are unsure that you seek medical advice before undertaking any type of exercise.
Participation in Hauer Power classes is undertaken solely at the participant's own risk.
We have general advice on our HEALTH CHECKLIST page. This does not replace professional medical advice.
Q: Can I book private PT with Karen?
A: Due to Karen's work commitments this may not always be possible.
If PT sessions are available, you will find information on the classes page.
Q: I can't make the class days you have.
Will more classes/courses be added?
A: Different class types and content will be added regularly.
Q: Can I get a recording of my class?
A: We give all course attendees a copy of each week's class recording. This will show Karen instructing only and not a gallery view showing class participants.
We will only offer a recording of PT sessions if specified when booking.
We also do not film class participants without their prior, written consent for data protection reasons.
Latest Updates
Karen returns to BBC1s Strictly Come Dancing in September 2022 for her 11th season as a professional dancer.
Everyone at Hauer Power wishes her well and she'll be back teaching classes in the not-too-distant future!
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